Till Klampaeckel's Blog: Cooking PHPUnit (and a chef-solo example on top)
Till Klampaeckel has a new post to his blog combining two powerful technologies into one automated package that uses a Chef recipe to install PHPUnit as a part of the setup. If you follow my blog for...
View ArticleTill Klampaeckel's Blog: Deploying PHP applications: PEAR and composer...
In a new post to his site Till Klampaeckel shows how to use PEAR and composer resources (two popular PHP package management tools) from inside of a chef deployment script. This is something...
View ArticleLorna Mitchell's Blog: Using an Existing Vagrant Setup for PHP Development
In this new post to her blog Lorna Mitchell dives into the world of vagrant/puppet/chef and looks at using the tools to automatically create VMs that you can use for PHP development (or testing). I've...
View ArticleTill Klampaeckel: Speeding up composer on AWS OpsWorks
Till Klampaeckel has a new post today showing how to get your Composer installation (and package install) to work a bit faster on the Amazon AWS OpsWorks management system. At EasyBib, we're heavy...
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